Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT
Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT

Compton Jeans BlackNGold Baggy by BSAT


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Super coole sorte Compton baggy Jeans fra BSAT's Compton linje, som oprindeligt udsprang af Gangsta Rappen. I BSAT relancerede vi baggy stilen, da vi søsatte tøjmærket BSAT Clothing tilbage i 2015. BSAT baggy bukser med og uden print er en anelse smallere i benene end den klassiske baggy Jeans, som i 90'erne erobrede populær kulturen. De sorte BSAT Jeans har Compton broderet med guldtråd ned af venstre bukseben og BSAT logoet broderet i hvidt på højre baglomme. Ren guld.

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Denim (100% cotton)

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